Arbitrator cannot award Pre-Award Interest if the Terms of the Agreement Prohibits such Interest

The Supreme Court in its recent judgment decided by J. Chelameswar and J. Abdul Nazeer in Sri. Chittaranjan Maity v. Union of India[1] held that arbitrator cannot grant interest for the period between the date

Supreme Court allows Contempt Proceeding against Violation of the Order of Arbitral Tribunal

The Supreme Court in its recent judgment dated 20th July 2017 in Alka Chandewar v. Shamshul Israr Khan in Civil Appeal No. 8720 of 2017 held that the Arbitral Tribunal can make representation to High

Seat of Arbitration is akin to an Exclusive Jurisdiction Clause

The Supreme Court in a recent judgement in Indus Mobile Distribution Private Limited v. Datawind Innovations Private Limited & ORS (Civil Appeal No in 5370-5371 of 2017) ruled that once the seat of arbitration in

Two Tier Arbitration

In a recent judgement, a three bench division of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in M/S. Centrotrade Minerals & Metal Inc v Hindustan Copper LTD[1]. held that settlement of disputes or differences through two-tier

Foreign Award Unenforceable, If Arbitration Agreement Unsigned

The Delhi High Court in a recent judgement refused the enforcement of the foreign award under section 48 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1966 (“the Act”) as one party to the contract had not

Eitzen Bulk A/S v. Ashapurna Minechem Ltd. & Anr. : Choosing juridical seat of arbitration attracts law applicable to chosen location

In a recent judgement passed by the Supreme Court in Eitzen Bulk A/S v. Ashapurna Minechem Ltd. & Anr.,[1], Justices S. A. Bobde and Fakhir Mohammed Ibrahim Kalifulla, deliberated on the question of applicability of

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